This Week At Westside

Hanniya Travis

This past week as miss westside, I have been working. The more I get familiar with my peers, the more I’m seeing that my platform is needed. Being the voice of the student body, as miss westside, it is my job as well as my duty to speak up and make a difference in what may be out of place. As my platform, I stated id be insuring the students that resources are provided, and ultimately student advocacy. The issues that are taking place in the school I strongly believe can be changed. The fighting for example. I feel that most students fight because they don’t have anybody to talk to, or don’t think you listenĀ  Bringing help from the outside, people who aren’t familiar with westside will be good for a different perspective and an unbiased opinion. Students will not feel ashamed, or judged for the mistakes they’ve made so that they’re able to be looked upon in a new light. I’ve been getting to work to have my change made.