Rainy Night

Sophia Andis, Editor

Rain pittered and pattered on the roof of the car. The light stayed red even though the street was empty. The air conditioning blew quietly under the noise of the rain. Occasionally the sky would light up with lightning, but the thunder was soft.

The windshield wipers swished back and forth violently trying to wipe away the rain that poured. No matter the effort of their work it was no use. The rain continued to beat down. It seemed every time they went back and forth the rain got harder. The radio turned on trying to drown out the noise, but you could still hear the wipers screech and the rain yell but, nothing worked.

Lightning lit the whole sky and this time the thunder roared, echoing off each building to the next. Suddenly the screeching stopped, the wipers gave up and air conditioning stopped. The car turned off along with the radio.
The rain stopped beating after a while, the sky cleared and there was no lightning or thunder. The light finally turned green, but nothing moved, the only thing was the noise of a quiet cricket and a small frog in the distance.
The end