Love yourself.

Tamara Gallion

In the world we live in today, it’s common for someone to lose sight of their self worth , confidence, and so much more. We have to realize self love is the key to a happy life. You can’t truly be happy, if deep down you hate yourself. You can’t love someone else if you don’t even love yourself. The journey to self love is not a easy one. You’re going to have nights where you are loathing in thoughts , scrolling on tiktok with a feed full of sad and motivational messages, nights where you can’t go to sleep. But let me tell you, in the end, it is so worth it. You’re going to feel powerful. You’re going to know your boundaries with yourself and others. You’re going to start doing things that make you happy a little bit more. You’re going to want to take yourself out on dates. Moral of the story you’re going to be H A P P Y. Happy with yourself.


– Always remeber self love is the B E S T love.