where can I let go of trying to be perfect?

Renesha Boyd

The simple idea of needing to be Perfect has been installed in my mind since I was little. Were encouraged to make honor roll, to win award’s, to be like able, to dress nicely, to be team captain to Simply be good enough for others, while these are good things what it dose to our mind in the long run is we’re it become unhealthy as we grow older plus begin to discover who we truly want to be, we have already created This idea Of whats “generally acceptable By wanting to step out of that comfort zone, we’ve been conditioned to reel guilt Shame I need to stop trying to be perfect for other people, but rather for myself. I need to continue to do What I love + Find comfort in it. The reality is that in the long run, no one really cares what you’re doing, They simply care about themselves DO what makes you happy + allow others to do the same without at judgement