Brain fog

Alvin Smith

Honestly, right now my mind is blank, I don’t know what to write about. Usually I can’t stop my brain from going, but right now I don’t know. My mind sometimes wonder to places far away and traps me in my thoughts, but sometimes it’s not all bad. Some of the things I’m subjected to overstimulates my brain and I become overwhelmed with thoughts on that topic. Right now I am taking advantage of having a blank brain I guess. My teacher is forcing me to write about something so I chose to write about not having anything to write about. I rather not even be at school right now but I make myself come because I feel as if I always have to be doing something productive. Right now my body is not at 100% so I am seeking to expand my brain. I come to school because I enjoy learning, but I don’t like tests, I feel as if they’re useless. This story is the product of me just saying whatever comes to my mind, I hope I get a good grade for it.