Growing up in Syria

Sami Abu

Growing up in Syria was tough for me. My childhood was plagued by the ongoing war in my country, and I saw firsthand the horrors it brought. I remember one tragic incident where one of my friends was shot and killed while we were playing soccer. This event changed me and my family’s lives forever, and it eventually led to our decision to move to Jordan.

The move to Jordan was a difficult one. We faced many challenges, including racism, financial insecurity, and poor living conditions. Despite these obstacles, my family and I remained resilient and never gave up on our dreams. We worked hard to create a better life for ourselves and eventually found our way to the United States in 2016 as refugees.

Starting over in a new country was tough, but we never let it get us down. We worked hard, saved up, and eventually were able to purchase our own home worth $300k. It was a remarkable achievement and a testament to our hard work and determination.

Throughout my life, I have always had a positive outlook. I am a hard worker who never gives up on my dreams. I work every Friday after school and on weekends to save up for my future. I worry about not being successful, but I am determined to be the best version of myself.

Family is everything to me, and my little sister is my world. I would do anything for her, and she is a constant source of inspiration for me. And then there’s Maryam. She entered my life on August 23rd, 2021, and she has changed everything for me. I am completely in love with her, and she puts a smile on my face every day.

I have a passion for buying clothes and dressing up, always striving to look my best. Shoes are my number one item of clothing, and I take pride in my collection. I am a private person who prefers to stay to myself, but I am always striving to get closer to Allah. I try my best to pray and do good deeds whenever I can.

My life has been a journey filled with challenges, but I have always remained optimistic and determined to succeed. My family, Maryam, and my passion for fashion are what keep me going every day. I am grateful for the opportunities I have been given, and I am excited for what the future holds.